Healthy Housing Standards for Older Homes

Health-focused property maintenance policies are important for preventing housing-related disease and injury. These are particularly relevant for people who live in older homes.

Healthy housing standards address a range of aspects of housing and the broader environment. They include indoor temperature; injury hazards; a home’s proximity to walking and cycling infrastructure; and the availability of adequate space for occupants.

1. Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality can affect your health in many ways. It can also contribute to building damage and pest infestations.

It is important to consider how your home’s indoor air quality relates to healthy housing standards. There are a number of factors that can influence how pollutants build up in your home, such as cigarette smoke, household cleaners, paints, and other chemical pollutants.

2. Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is a set of practices and policies that help reduce the amount of energy used in an area. These measures can improve a home’s comfort and save money, which is good news for consumers.

It can also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to economic growth. As such, it is one of the most cost-effective ways to combat climate change.

3. Water Efficiency

Water efficiency can be a great way to save money and reduce pollution. By installing water-saving fixtures and appliances and implementing environmental certifications for properties, homes and businesses can reduce their sewage volumes and energy costs.

This is particularly important in an age where water is increasingly scarce and depleting rapidly. It’s also necessary to protect and preserve the resources we’ve got for generations to come.

4. Indoor Environment

A healthy home is a home that provides its occupants with the right environment, including access to fresh air and natural light. It is also a place where people can feel safe and secure.

The built environment affects humans in many ways, from their physiology and mental well-being to their social interactions and work performance. It is important that builders and designers create indoor environments that are both healthy and comfortable for occupants.

5. Lighting

The National Healthy Housing Standard is a tool for property owners, builders, architects, code officials, public health leaders and anyone else who recognizes that the way homes are built, maintained and used has major impact on human well-being. The standard demonstrates the many ways in which we can make our homes safer and healthier for everyone by implementing simple, low-cost practices. Some of these include the use of LED lighting, solar panels and no- or low-VOC materials. You can learn more about the standard here.

6. Outdoor Environment

The outdoor environment of a home is just as important to health as the indoor one, and it can be hard to ignore. This is especially true in the context of climate change and demographic changes, as homes need to be able to provide protection against extreme weather events. This is why the healthy housing standards address both the indoor and outdoor environments, as they both play a crucial role in ensuring that occupants are protected from poor housing conditions.

7. Accessibility

Accessibility is the ability of people with disabilities to interact with information and environments. It is an important consideration for anyone operating a website or a mobile app.

A web page that is accessible is designed to be easy to use for people with all types of disabilities. This includes physical, cognitive, hearing and visual impairments.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are international standards that outline the requirements for making web content accessible. The standards are used by many countries around the world, including the U.S.

8. Safety

There’s no doubt that a healthy home can enhance your quality of life. In addition to its positive effects on physical and emotional health, it can also help you save money and time by reducing your exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.

A well-designed healthy housing standard is a great way to demonstrate your commitment to improving your community’s quality of life. The standard combines the latest research and technology with practical recommendations, providing a comprehensive guide to the construction, maintenance, and operation of homes.
