What documents do I need to provide for endorsement by Tech Nation?

If you’re an IT professional who wants to apply for a Global Talent Visa, you need to understand everything there is to know about Tech Nation since it will either approve or deny your application.

What is a Tech Nation Visa?

On behalf of the UK Home Office, Tech Nation conducts assessments to find internationally competitive workers. The Global Talent Visa is the most well-known of the several permission categories for which Tech Nation is responsible.

Tech Nation supports specialists in digital technology who can advance the UK tech sector by joining tech firms or starting their own businesses with their technical or business expertise.

What qualifications are needed to join Tech Nation?

The Home Office has appointed Tech Nation as the endorsing organisation to evaluate applicants with a digital background.

A person seeking endorsement in the area of digital technology must demonstrate:

  • If the applicant is applying for a Tech Nation visa, they must demonstrate their technical expertise with the most recent technologies in creating, utilising, deploying, or exploiting a technology stack and creating technical infrastructure;
  • If the applicant is a business one, they must demonstrate their demonstrated commercial investment or product expertise in creating digital products or in making significant investments in digital product businesses.

A candidate for an endorsement in the field of technology must have:

The candidate must demonstrate that they have been acknowledged as a top talent in the field of digital technology and must give proof of two of the following:

  • The candidate should have a demonstrated history of innovation as the founder, a senior executive of a company that focuses on product-led digital technology, or as a worker on a brand-new digital area or idea; or
  • The candidate must show evidence of acknowledgement for work performed outside of their field of employment that advances their profession; or
  • The candidate should have established a product-driven digital technology company as a founder, senior executive, or worker, and made substantial technical, business, or entrepreneurial contributions to the industry; or
  • The candidate should have established outstanding skills in the discipline through academic achievements, published research, or expert endorsement.

A candidate for an endorsement who has remarkable promise in the realm of technology must:

  • The candidate should be able to demonstrate at least two of the following and demonstrate that they have been recognised as having the potential to become a prominent talent in the field of digital technology:
  • The candidate must have at least two instances of innovation as either the founder of a business focused on product-led digital technology or as an employee developing a novel digital idea or field; or
  • The candidate should be able to provide evidence of acknowledgement for work performed outside of their field of employment that advances their profession; or
  • The candidate should have founded or worked for a firm that focuses on product-led digital technology and made substantial technical, commercial, or entrepreneurial contributions to the industry; or
  • The candidate must provide at least two instances of extraordinary competence in the discipline, either via academic contributions or through peer-reviewed research.

What document do you need to submit to apply for Tech Nation?

One who wants to be endorsed by Tech Nation must provide the following information:

  • A current CV that includes your career and publishing history,
  • At least 10 pieces of relevant evidence, including letters of mentorship, recommendation letters, employment documents, proof of establishing a successful technology business, and three dated letters of recommendation from three different well-established organisations recognised as experts in the digital technology field.
  • The aforementioned papers must be included in a Tech Nation online application.

Who qualifies for a Tech Nation Global Talent visa?

The UK’s digital technology industry welcomes the best tech talent to join and contribute through the Global Talent visa programme. Each candidate must provide the sponsoring body (Tech Nation) evidence of a successful track record as a pioneer in the field of digital technology by choosing one of the following:

  • As a well-known pioneer in the field of digital technology (exceptional talent)
  • As a rising star in the sector of digital technology (exceptional promise)

Take note of the wording from Home Office regulations:

Candidates with technical and business expertise in the field of digital technology are welcome to apply, according to Tech Nation. Therefore, this mostly applies to those that demonstrate great technical capabilities with a concentration on familiarity with the newest technology. Candidates should be professionals with a broad range of skills, including constructing, implementing, and designing technological infrastructure.

The requirements for company applicants place a strong emphasis on demonstrating commercial and investment experience when working with digital products (including leading investments).

The appropriate skill categories are mentioned below; however, please note that this list is not complete and just serves as an example of the sorts of applications that Tech Nation often evaluates.

What paperwork must I provide to Tech Nation in order to receive their endorsement?

The necessary paperwork varies from case to case, but it often consists of:

  • CV
  • Three letters of recommendation, each with a date and the signatures of three distinct senior members of three different recognised organisations in the field of digital technology. These individuals need to be familiar with your skill set in order to submit a letter of recommendation.

If and when necessary:

  • Evidence of any current enterprises that have been operating or firms that have closed within the previous five years, which must have achieved commercial success or otherwise show how the applicant satisfies the requirements for endorsement.
  • Evidence of one or more cases of digital technology innovation
  • Proof of recognition for work outside of the applicant’s current position that has aided in the sector’s advancement is required (the applicant must have a demonstrated history or record that goes beyond the applicant’s usual day-to-day duties and demonstrates the applicant’s significant contribution to the advancement of the related industry). For instance, mentoring in the technology industry through educational institutions, organising mentorship programmes, contributing open-source code to support the tech community through different platforms that encourage reuse, or publishing op-ed pieces in credible publications.
  • Evidence demonstrating the candidate has founded, served in a senior executive role for, or worked for product-led digital technology business and made substantial technical, commercial, or entrepreneurial contributions to the field of digital technology. Such proof must demonstrate a concrete impact, such as an increase in revenue, expansion into new markets or market segments, cost savings for the client, etc.
  • Evidence that the candidate has proven outstanding skill in the discipline by publishing research or by receiving the support of a research supervisor or other expert.

We are here to help

You can get assistance from A Y & J Solicitors with both phases of the Global Talent Visa application.

At A Y & J Solicitors, our skilled immigration attorneys make sure that everything in your application—your information, evidence, LORs, personal statements, and so forth—is written in accordance with UK immigration regulations before you submit it.

We have assisted several migrants in getting Tech Nation support. Please get in touch with us if you require any help.
